Melanie Moonbeam wants YOU to Join the SPACE NEIGHBORS!

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Welcome to the NEighborhood

Greetings lifeforms! We are the Space Neighbors, a friendly gathering of humanoids writing music for other humanoids. Join us!

We hail from the vortex of South Corvallis Oregon to craft a heady blend of dancey funk, meaningful lyrics, and improvisational fun. What do we sound like...? It's hard to pick a genre, so we call these songs "Retro Future Classics". Music your future self is already dancing to!

Come find us playing the local spots in Corvallis as well as lovely random places about the Willy Valley. What, you say you have a gig!? Click the button!

The space neighbor party don't stop!

Here at Space Neighbor central, we are crafting a fun filled collection of music that crosses genres and soundscapes. Our sound is always evolving, but there's also a nostalgic vibe you might come to recognize as we access those deep universal memories stored in our goo brains. We look forward to meeting all the Neighbors out there, come say hi and dance! 

Which Way's Up

Space Neighbors

Available on iTunes, Spotify, and many other streaming services.

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Space Neighbors on the move! Coming soon to your neck of the woods....

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